I was at work in the middle of writing a new blog entry about The Lion King when my 1:30pm appointment
arrived. Uncle Ken (musician extraordinaire, pastor and mentor) walked into my
office with his son Pono. Last time I saw Pono he ran up to me with a couple of
friendly caterpillars hanging off of his shirt while yelling, “Aunty Kanani, come play with my bugs!!” This
expressive little 8yr old always brings a smile to my face and today was no
“Aunty, Aunty, Aunty, tomrphmhr----“ He stuck two fingers into
his mouth and continued what I think was a lengthily explanation.
I grinned at him, “Pono I can’t understand you with
your fingers in your mouth!”
“Todayismyloosetoothbirthday.” Pono opened his mouth real wide, waggled
his baby tooth with his tongue, and explained to me how he had woken up this
morning and found his first EVER loose tooth. He then proceeded to wiggle it
victoriously and maintain a garbled running commentary dialoguing his
the last two hours after my meeting the only thing that I was able to think
about was Pono’s “Loose-Tooth Birthday.” I mean really, I like celebrating. I happily
celebrate my birthday, Easter, Christmas, the big holidays, the state holidays,
the federal holidays, and even the little random ones that give me the day off
from work. But I have never before celebrated a
“Loose-Tooth Birthday.”
have a way of approaching life as though every day is a celebration. Every little event, ever single milestone,
however small, is worth thanking God for. And not JUST thanking Him, but
actually jumping up and down in joyful celebration. There are days
(sometimes, weeks and months) when I forget that.
attended a One Love Ministries women’s retreat last year where the theme was
“Child-like Faith.” The Lord recognizes the heartfelt innocence of children and
encourages us to model our hearts after them and “become like little children.”
(Matthew 18:3) Children are not afraid to speak the truth in any circumstance;
their world views are not shaped by a need to be politically correct or by
hidden agenda’s. We’ve all seen those AT&T commercials... It’s not complicated!
has inspired my challenge for all of you for the month of February. Every
single day should be a celebration and a day of thanksgiving. Every. Single. Day. Friends, I challenge all of you to find something
that you want to give thanks for every day this month and celebrate it unapologetically. Celebrate it privately, give thanks
in prayer, celebrate it publicly, throw a party with friends, go to dinner
with family, do whatever you need to do, just CELEBRATE it. You deserve it!
although I don’t have any loose teeth to celebrate this morning, I can and will
declare today “Soup-for-lunch Day!”
And I will celebrate my thankfulness that on this cold and rainy Wednesday God
has provided me with some delicious, hot, ramen for lunch.
What are you
celebrating today?
* * *
“Do you hear what these
children are saying?” they asked him. “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never
read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.’” (Matthew
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