Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cultivating An Attitude of Gratitude

This morning I drove into a pot-hole. I woke-up late, was forced to forego a shower (don’t worry I plan to sneak over and shower at my gym during lunch!), and when I finally made it into my car in that post-early-morning-wake-up-daze I sat on my sun glasses and broke them.

That’s right, with the side of my broken lenses poking me in the thigh I knew that today was a morning for coffee. Those of you who are coffee drinkers know exactly what I mean. Despite the ever increasing calorie count and ridiculous prices, there are some situations that can only be improved by an extra large triple shot caramel macchiato and a warm pumpkin scone.

While driving the two blocks to the closest Starbucks (please don’t judge me and my overpriced coffee) all I could think about was how irritated and unhappy I was this morning.

My friends, bad things happen to good people every day. Little things, big things, life-shaking, heart-breaking things... the scale of troubles may vary from person to person, but all of us have woken up on the wrong side of the bed once or twice. I believe that the real problems begin when we waste our days wishing we could go back to sleep.

Today, as I allowed myself to stew in my trivial morning angst I drove straight into a pot-hole that “suddenly” appeared in the middle of the road. One minute I was bemoaning my sad sad state of affairs, and the next my heart was racing with adrenaline as my car swerved and I became uncomfortably aware of my own mortality. It’s amazing how a single shock can jolt us back from our own negativity, and fill us with new perspective. I have since determined that the unassuming, unavoidable pothole was meant for me.

Before I understood the meaning of faith, I wholeheartedly believed that I could justify any action, even self-pity. I think, I know, I believe, I feel... everything was all about ME. But I soon learned that when you are your own accountability partner, there is no accountability. None. Have you ever allowed yourself to wallow in your own mud pit and then gotten stuck down there because you gave yourself a free pass? I sure have. And that’s how I know that unless your heart is challenged by something greater and you drive your car into a metaphorical “ditch,” it takes a heck of a long time to crawl back out!

Have you ever given thanks for the pot-holes in your life?

There is value in the little challenges, waking up late, not getting to shower, and sitting on your sun-glasses, because when we finally drive our cars into a pot-hole it’s those same little struggles that offer us perspective and help us to recognize what really matters.

My pot-hole today was a wake-up call to stop wallowing, greet the day, and give thanks for my life. I challenge you dear hearts to focus on all of the blessings in your life right now instead of getting caught on the wrong side of the bed waiting for the next pot-hole to shock you back to reality, and I promise to do the same!

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“Finally, brother, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

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